
Largest Platform to Sell Used Cars in Saudi Arabia – SellAnyCar

Jeddah Saudi Arabia

Price: AED 5000.00
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  • Ad ID #00013010
  • Views 817
  • Contact Person Fadia Kader
  • Contact Number 920029838
  • Added on November 13, 2019
  • Last Updated 5 years ago
  • Location: Jeddah Saudi Arabia
  • Price: AED 5000.00
Description is the largest specialized car buying platform in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where you can sell your used vehicle without any security risks and at a fair price. This is a car buying platform which means it purchases vehicles from the sellers quickly and without any delays. The process is simple and transparent which is especially designed for people who have no prior experience of selling vehicles or using online platforms. The car sellers are able to determine the estimated worth of their cars in the market through an online car value calculator that is an authentic and free-to-use car valuation tool. The car sellers can safely sell their used vehicles without exhausting their time, money or energy to look for a suitable deal. greatly focuses on customer satisfaction, therefore, the process is simple, the platform is user-friendly and free-to-use and the sellers can evaluate their vehicles and get free car inspection with the help of experts. There are no delays in making the sale as car sellers can sell their vehicle within 30 minutes and get their full payment without any frauds through electronic bank transfer. helps car sellers sell their used vehicles without worrying about scams, frauds, unfair or low-priced deals and paying hidden or additional service charges. The car sellers can get fair deals and sell their vehicles without worrying about handling any official post-sale paperwork as it is handled by the experts.

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Fadia Kader

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