
Jewishcare |Disability|NDIS Service Provider In Sydney

3 Saber Street Woollahra cnr Newland Street PO Box 647 Bondi Junction 1355

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  • Ad ID #00025823
  • Views 98
  • Contact Person Jewish Care
  • Contact Number 1300133660
  • Added on May 29, 2021
  • Last Updated 4 years ago
  • Location: 3 Saber Street Woollahra cnr Newland Street PO Box 647 Bondi Junction 1355
  • Price: Check with Seller
Disability WHAT IS NDIS? The NDIS is a new system of providing support to people with a disability, their families and carers. Launched in 2013 by the Australian Federal Government, the NDIS uses an insurance approach similar to Medicare, meaning the costs for disability care are shared amongst the wider community. The NDIS is being progressively rolled out across Australia under the management of the National DisabilityInsuranceAgency(NDIA). The Sydney area roll out in the North commenced in July2016 andThe South East rollout will commence in July2017. Essentially, the NDIS has been designed to give people with a disability greater choice and control over the support they receive – providing eligible individuals with funding based on their personal needs and lifelong goals and aspirations. WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY AND THEIR FAMILIES? For those eligible, the NDIS means gaining greater choice and control over the support services you receive and even the course your life takes. Through the NDIS assessment and planning process, you can determine what reasonable and necessary supports you need to live your life and achieve your personal goals. A support plan will be developed that’s tailored to help you achieve your goals – whether that means finding a job, moving out of home, gaining education or simply living a more independent life. You’ll then receive individual funding to pay for these services. With the NDIS, you not only get to choose what type of supports you receive, you also decide when, where and how you receive them, which service providers you’ll work with and how your funds are managed. HOW CAN WE SUPPORT YOU PREPARE FOR NDIS? JewishCare is very excited about the improved outcomes the NDIS will bring to people with disabilities and their families. JewishCare already takes a holistic and person centred approach. JewishCare has assisted over 200 people access the NDIS and recive funding that is making a huge difference to their lives. If you or your family member have a disability, we can help you understand how the NDIS works, find out if you are eligible and guide you through the application process. If your application is approved, we can then provide you with a whole range of disability services under the scheme. JewishCare will guide you to make your NDIS plan a reality. JEWISHCARE IS REGISTERED WITH NDIS TO PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: Support Coordination, incl Specialised Support Coordination Accommodation assistance Assistance with daily personal activities Development of daily living and life skills Group and Centre based activities Assistance with travel and travel arrangements Early intervention supports for early childhood Innovative Community Participation Plan management Specialised supported employment Finding and keeping a job Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

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