
Innovare IT Solutions™ | The First Stop for Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality & Mixed Reality Products & Solutions!

Hyderabad, Telangana, India

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  • Ad ID #00000358
  • Views 386
  • Contact Person Info Innovare
  • Contact Number 9963063506
  • Added on March 28, 2018
  • Last Updated 7 years ago
  • Location: Hyderabad, Telangana, India
  • Price: Check with Seller
Innovare IT Solutions: Innovare IT Solutions is a recognized leader in computer vision-based interactivity solutions. It is an independent mobile marketing company focused on building innovative mobile apps for businesses who wish to engage more with their customers. Leading with Augmented Reality advertising, we are specialized in building apps that entertain, engage, retain and monetize users, enabling our clients to achieve maximum ROI on their leading edge app investments. Innovare Services: Innovare is the first ever augmented, mixed & virtual reality technology-based enterprise in Hyderabad offers innovative visualization products & services, which enhance the consumer's experience of reality. Through its strong & proven expertise provides customized services in retail, defense, Maintenance, Repair, Advertising, Promotions, Real estate, tourism, Gaming, entertainment. healthcare sectors. Augmented Reality Services: Augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. Augmented Reality (AR) superimposes a computer-generated virtual world on the real world around you. AR is a technology that has been known in the university labs for over half a century. The beauty of the technology lies in the fact that it not only adds to the reality but also subtracts the reality leading to improved perception. Innovare is at the forefront of developing applications using the AR technology. To understand, how AR can help your business, talk to us. To get a taste of how AR can revolutionize your business, talk to us.Early anecdotal evidence from brands suggests that augmented reality is poised to be the next great innovation of influence. Virtual reality Services: INNOVARE is one of the few emerging companies, taking Virtual Reality Services closer to the mankind. We design virtual reality software and applications, thus meeting the ever growing demands of Virtual Reality Technology in the digital marketing arena. We take a holistic approach to any Virtual reality application development project. We understand that building a great app is not enough. The application should also achieve sired market success and user engagement. .As an Virtual reality app development company, innovare offers end-to-end services to help you at every stage of your mobility project, right from strategy, implementation to support. Our vast experience of Virtual reality platform, cutting-edge development methodologies and efficient project management skills enables us to be cost-effective and deliver higher ROI. Mixed reality Services: Mixed Reality is the merging of real and virtual worlds to produce new environments and visualizations where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time. Mixed reality will unleash the creativity of every person and every organization on the planet. Our journey has been filled with key moments in time that have shown us what is possible as we enter this next era of computing, the era of mixed reality. A revolution where computers empower us to expand our capabilities and transcend time, space, and devices. A revolution where we immerse ourselves in virtual worlds of our choosing and we accomplish seemingly impossible things while making lasting memories with the people we love.

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